エピソード2: オーストラリアとニュージーランドのライバル心 ~世界一周バックパック旅〜 | 特派員は見た!
A子とN子、どっちを好きなのよ?!そんな会話が旅行者に突き付けられているような2国間の実情。***English is below***
オーストラリア代表カンガルー vs ニュージーランド代表キウイ
オーストラリアのアボリジニ、ニュージーランドのマオリ、それぞれをとても尊重しています。ニュージーランドではマオリ語も公用語で、小学校でも学習するんだとか。Kia Ora=Helloなど街頭広告や案内板、飲食店のメニュー等でも簡単な単語やフレーズをよく目にします。
【Correspondent Report】
Episode1 / Competition between Australia and New Zealand~the Round-The-World Backpacking Traveler
“Which ‘girl’ do you actually love – A or N?!” This was a regular point of debate during my time in two particular countries.
Of course, “A” stands for Australia and “N” for New Zealand. They are separated by sea but there are many culture similarities, especially with food and activities. They are also aware of this, hence the questions: “Which one tastes better?” and “Which one is more fun?” Let me introduce some of the areas of competition between these two countries.
Aussie Kangaroos vs NZ Kiwis
Kiwis are birds that can’t fly and are certified as a national icon in New Zealand. Every souvenir shop is lined up with a huge range of Kiwi-related goods. For me personally, I don’t think kiwi goods are cute, although New Zealanders love them. By the way, you can buy kangaroo meat at the supermarket in Australia, but you shouldn’t eat kiwis as they are an endangered species.
Our Coffee is the best
Did you know that both countries are crazy about coffee? There are trendy and fashionable cafés everywhere, with many people holding cups of coffee on-the-go. The “Flat White”, an espresso with creamy milk, is the most popular here, and I am a big fan. I was told that it was a New Zealander who created the first one in the world. Which country has the more fashionable cafés? I would say Australia. And which tastes better? It depends on shop, in my opinion.
A pie is like a gyu-don in Japan
Just like how you eat gyu-don, a beef bowl, quickly on the way to a destination in Japan, AU and NZ will grab a pie on their way. You can buy them anywhere, even in between busy working hours or when you make a stop during your drive on your weekend. Is there any difference of taste between those two countries? Not really fussed.
Anywhere, Anytime, BBQ
What is Australian cuisine? What is New Zealand cuisine? Everyone I’ve asked has answered “BBQ”. Well, if you think about it, is that really “cuisine”?
Regarding Indigenous Culture
Aborigines for AU, Maori for NZ – both countries respect their indigenous culture. Maori is one of New Zealand’s official languages and they study the Maori language in primary school. You’ll see many things involving the Maori language like Kia Ora (Hello) on advertisements, street signs/guides, and menus at restaurants.
Which country do you want to dive?
It is one of the biggest issues for tourists, choosing where to sky dive. Dive while admiring the Great Barrier Reef in Australia or in New Zealand, where they have mountains, glaciers and blue lakes? I dived at Wanaka, New Zealand, where it is known to give you more ‘bang for your buck’.
Now – which country are you more interested in?